About us
Who are we?
We are a group of more than 200 volunteers from the international community living in Vienna (and abroad). We are committed to serving the refugees from Ukraine and displaced people in Ukraine.
Our main objective is to transport as many people, as fast as possible, to safety, while finding sustainable accommodations and ensuring general welfare.
We have no paid employees. Our volunteers include drivers, translators, project managers, doctors, psychological counselors, career advisors, technology specialists, and a variety of professionals, many with operational backgrounds.
Vienna Mission for Ukraine is a grassroots organization based in Vienna, Austria, and a non-profit association (gemeinnütziger Verein) under Austrian law.
What do we do?
Every day we leverage our capabilities and resources to:
- Operate vans and buses to transport people and supplies between Vienna and Ukraine
- Provide support of all kinds to refugees in Vienna on a case-by-case basis
- Collaborate with and support our partner organizations in Vienna and Ukraine
- Perform ad-hoc rescue operations in Ukraine of at-risk people and groups without the means to evacuate
- Procure and transport urgently needed
- medical supplies to Ukrainian hospitals
- supplies to refugee shelters, aid distribution centers, orphanages, elderly homes, etc.
- Support displaced orphanages in Austria and Ukraine
- Respond to reports concerning refugee safety and welfare in and around Vienna
- Organize volunteers and resources for reconstruction efforts
transported to safety
of aid delivered
transporting people and/or cargo to Ukraine, Poland and Austria
supply projects
responding to urgent needs of aid organizations in Ukraine, Poland and Austria
refugee support cases
responding to urgent needs of at-risk people in Vienna
Programs to Transport Refugees and Supplies between Vienna and Ukraine

Van Program
Cargo vans are used to transport medical supplies to Ukrainian hospitals and deliver donated furniture to refugees in and around Vienna. Passenger vans were previously used during the March 2022 refugee surge to transport refugees to safety. A collaboration with First Aid First Hand.

Command Center Program
VM4U operates a command center which provides 24-hour support of field operations, including language support and asset monitoring. The command center has played a critical role in coordination during medical emergencies, mechanical issues, and supply deliveries in Ukraine.

Bus Program
Passenger buses are periodically used to transport refugees, typically as part of rescue or repatriation projects. Busing operations may involve onboard translators and medics, logistical coordination, and human trafficking safeguards procedures.

Generator Supply Program
VM4U project managers procure and transport urgently needed powerbanks and generators (up to 11 kW). VM4U receives a 10% discount on generators. Most generators are donated or raised by partner organizations while the expense of some urgently needed generators is covered by VM4U donations. A collaboration with YOUkraine.

Medical Supply Program
VM4U project managers work with medical doctors to procure, raise, and transport urgently needed medical supplies and medical equipment. V4MU receives a 30-50% discount on medical supply purchases. Most medical supplies and equipment are donated or raised by partner organizations while the expense of some urgently needed medical supplies is covered by VM4U donations. A collaboration with YOUkraine.

General Supply Program
VM4U project managers work to procure, raise, and transport urgently needed supplies. Most supplies are donated or raised by partner organizations while the expense of some urgently needed supplies is directly covered by VM4U donations.
Programs to Serve Refugees

Medical Support Program
Ukrainian and Russian speaking doctors who are familiar with the Austrian medical system are available to assist refugees with finding doctors and making appointments. Translators are available to attend medical appointments and personally assist refugees to navigate the Austrian medical system.

Furnishings Program
Volunteers raise donated furniture and appliances and deliver directly to refugees. A collaboration with The Feel Good Store

Art Program
A children’s arts and crafts workshop is held once per week. A collaboration with Domivka

Football Program
Football training sessions for children ages 6-11 are led by Ukrainian coaches once per week. A collaboration with Domivka

Music Program
Refugee children are returned to music training for 30 minutes per week thanks to volunteer instructors and donated instruments. A collaboration with Domivka, Kimu Wien, Liberty Education and Art For Future

German Program
Introductory level German courses for adults and children are held once per week by professional language instructors at no cost to refugees. A children’s play area adjacent to the classroom permits parents to easily attend the class. A collaboration with Domivka

Bicycle Program
Donated bicycles are distributed to refugee children (priority) and adults. A collaboration with The Feel Good Store

Refugee Welfare Program
Dedicated staff are available to support refugees with any issues they are facing. This ranges from neighborly advice to in-field support during medical emergencies.
Accommodations Program
Over 60 VM4U host families have opened their homes to refugees, providing both short- and long-term accommodations. All host families go through a vetting process before being matched with refugee families.
University Education
Specialized volunteers are available to assist refugees in finding and applying to universities in Vienna and elsewhere.
Employment Program
Specialized volunteers are available to assist refugees in finding employment in Vienna and elsewhere.
Intergration Program
The goal of this program is to help refugees independently function in Austrian society. Specialized volunteers work to facilitate refugees with learning German, finding employment, attending Austrian schools, and re-entering athletics, arts, music, and special needs programs.
Psychological Support Program
Ukrainian and Russian speaking psychologists and psychotherapists, many who are refugees themselves, provide free support to refugees and front line workers as well as provide training for VM4U management, volunteers, and host families.
Reconstruction Program
Experts are in the early stages of organizing the volunteer capability and resources present in Vienna and developing partnerships with volunteer organizations in Ukraine focused on reconstruction.
Helpline Program
A helpline phone number is provided to refugees which VM4U comes in contact with. The helpline is available 24 hours a day and refugees can ensure they are fully always supported by VM4U.
Programs to Support Aid Organizations

Orphanage Support Program
VM4U supports the displaced orphanages in Austria and Ukraine by responding to urgent needs including medical supplies, food, hygiene, clothing, and electric generators.

Medics Support Program
VM4U supports civilian volunteer medic organizations operating in Ukraine by raising volunteer manpower for virtual/remote business operations (legal, IT, banking, social media, fundraising, etc.) as well as supplying ambulances and medical supplies.

Dormitories Support Program
VM4U supports the Austrian government sponsored dormitories operating in Vienna by supplying volunteer manpower, vehicles, and equipment to facilitate the transportation and translation needs of disabled/at-risk refugees during relocations, administrative appointments, and medical appointments.

Team Vienna Support Program
VM4U supports the all volunteer organizations in Austria and Ukraine, including YOUkraine, Domivka, The Feel Good Store, Austria Stands with Ukraine, UAID-Direct, Kleine Herzen and others by sharing volunteers, logistical capabilities, and resources to support our common goals and avoid duplication of effort.
Support us
Donate through bank transfer (IBAN)
Vienna Mission for Ukraine (VMFU)
IBAN: AT49 2011 1845 7787 8000
Ship us needed supplies
Please help us to buy basics for women and children:
1. Add an item to your amazon cart
2. Go to checkout
3. Choose Vienna Mission for Ukraine as a shipping address