3/18 Recap
A passenger van team, Marian and Sven, went to Przemysl, Poland Refugee Center on a special mission. An underage female was crossing the border at Medyke, Poland and needed to get to her sister in Vienna. Elli organized for the sister in Vienna to ride with our drivers to the Przemysl Refugee Center to be reunited with her sister and ensure her safety. Elli pre-arranged for 2 additional people to be picked up. And 2 additional women, an elder mother and daughter, were also transported back to Vienna.
Following a previous story, the father and the mentally disabled 23 year old son, after a detour to Belgium, decided to come to Vienna. A second passenger van team, Adam and Diana, with support from Roxy, Thomas, and Iona, transferred this family from the Erdberg International Bus Terminal in Vienna to Campus Wienerwald, a facility outside of Vienna which can permanently accommodate this family. This project was a collaboration between the VM4U and the Sigmund Freud Institute in Vienna.
An independent Team, Andrea from Canada, coordinated with Elli, organized transport for an underage female to her father in Vienna.
The first VM4U bus departed this morning from Bratislava -> Przemysl, Poland Refugee Center -> Vienna (Main Train Station, HbH) -> Bratislava (Main Train Station, HbH). 26 refugees were transported from the Przemysl Refugee Center to Vienna HbH: 21 continued onward via train, 4 were picked up by loved ones, and 1 went the refugee center. The bus now runs continuously on this loop, departing the refugee center each day at 11 PM and arriving in Vienna each day at 8 AM.
All in all, the VM4U team helped 36 people today.
VM4U also opened its warehouse/office and can receive shipments at the following address:
Vienna Mission for Ukraine
c/o Adam Shephard
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 138
A1030, Vienna