3/31 Recap
A passenger van team, Julia and Nathan, departed Vienna on a resupply and refugee mission to the Solvakia-Ukraine border today. Two independent van teams from St. Barabara’s Church went to the Przemysl, Poland Refugee Center. The VM4U van was supplied with food, medicine, sleeping bags, and other medical supplies partially from donations to St. Barbara’s Church and the remainder VM4U by a stop at METRO to fill the rest of the van. Supplies were delivered to the Vysne Nemecke-Uzhhorod border crossing. The van team continued on to Michalovce, Slovokia Refugee Center where they delived specific supplies donated by Katharina following driver reports of specific supply needs from that Refugee Center. The team found two passengers needing to get to Tel Aviv. These passengers were transported to Vienna International Airport where they departed at 6:00 AM this morning with plane tickets sponsored by a VM4U donor. The van was generously provided by First Aid First Hand, www.firstaid-firsthand.de.
Team Fynn, Angus and Trevor, an independent van team from the UK coordinating with VM4U, transported medical supplies from Krakow, Poland to Przemysl, Poland. Additionally, they have been utilising their van to move people and supplies around the Poland-Ukraine border.
VM4U fundraising opened up again! Go to the website, https://vm4u.org, and click that Donate button to help us out!
We have no paid employees so 100% of your donations go directly to helping people. Our routine operations involve providing transportation to refugees from the border to safety and providing and transporting medical and general supplies where they are urgently needed.
Vienna Mission for Ukraine is now focusing on rescue operations in Ukraine of at-risk groups without the means to evacuate, directly supplying and transporting life-saving medication to Ukrainian hospitals, and organising employment and sustainable accommodations for over 40 Ukrainian families currently staying with Vienna Mission for Ukraine host families.